Make Space/Räume schaffen: A Community Garden Project/Ein Projekt für Nachbarschaftsgärten

Berlin has become known for its many empty or unused lots, but rapid development is making these public spaces less and less available to citizens. In addition to these lots, Berlin also has many unused spaces within existing buildings. These overlooked rooftops, courtyards, backyards, parking decks, and terraces all have the potential to become common meeting spaces for interaction and communication among neighbors.
The Make Space/Räume schaffen project is a blog that describes and documents the processes for transforming such spaces. As a how-to guide, Make Space/Räume schaffen is a site for brainstorming solutions for the creation of commonly used spaces and serves as a source of inspiration for residents and neighbors ready to transform a space of their own.
Make Space/Räume schaffen: A Community Garden Project/Ein Projekt für Nachbarschaftsgärten is a project organized by BMW Guggenheim Lab Team member Corinne Rose in collaboration with Sebastian Wagner and the Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF).
For more information on Make Space/Räume schaffen and the call for spaces to appear on the blog, visit
Photo: by Sebastian Wagner
This work was created by Corinne Rose in connection with the BMW Guggenheim Lab project, a project of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.