Live Feeds Introduction and Feedback Session 1: Finding the Local by spurse

Led by the creative consulting and design collaborative spurse, Live Feeds is a two-part program of Feedback sessions and FeedForward fieldwork that offers the public an opportunity to examine and expand on the Lab’s in-progress questions. Are you interested in the transformation of your shared environment? Join us as spurse introduces Live Feeds and learn how you can participate—for one event or over all 11 weeks of fieldwork and sessions.
Feedback Session 1: Finding the Local
The local is all around you, but just how do we know where “local” begins and ends in a globally connected city? In a world where everything circulates, it’s getting harder to identify what or who “local” really is—and, more strikingly, why local still matters. Spurse kicks off its first Feedback session with this essential topic, launching participants into an investigation of how we find and rethink the local.
Photo: courtesy spurse