Creating the City for Our Children
Friday, December 21, 2012, 6 pm–9 pm
Priyadarshini Park

How many of us have wished for a city that we can trust, one where we can walk with freedom, play with abandon—and one we can proudly leave to our children? Join in this session to imagine and design a city that our children can trust. Together, we will explore our deepest wishes from when we were children ourselves, as well as our current wishes for the city we would like to leave for our children. We will also listen to children’s own ideas about what builds their trust in a city and its people.
To reserve your place, please email Reservations will be taken on a first-come, first-served basis.
Participant: Dream a Dream
See what happened at the Creating the City for Our Children event—view our slideshow.
Photo: UnCommonSense