Juliet Schor
![Portrait of Juliet Schor](http://cdn.bmwguggenheimlab.org/images/2011/cycle1_nyc_events/2011-10-07_7pm_JulietSchor.jpg)
Juliet Schor, professor of sociology at Boston College, discusses how the confluence of sustainability imperatives, economic stagnation, and digitally enabled creativity has given rise to a movement of connected consumption. On- and off-line, people are sharing, swapping, collaborating, renting, gifting, trading, and teaching. Innovations such as Freecycle, time banks, and co-working make it possible for households to live low-impact, high-satisfaction lives anchored in rich social networks and financial independence. Professor Schor will share her findings on the present and future of a development that is likely to transform daily life in dramatic ways.
Photo: courtesy Juliet Schor